content, comms and campaigns that really speak to your audience

Uniting brands and audiences through human connection

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Uniting brands and audiences through human connection | | | | |

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place
— George Bernard Shaw

Anyone can create content, but how sure are you that the content or communication your brand is putting out into the world really resonates with your audience?

I’m Dee and I’m the founder of Wicked Creative. I’ve been a freelance creative communications specialist, copywriter and content strategist since 2015.

I’ve spent the best part of the last decade working with healthcare and tech brands to help them communicate more effectively with their audience by putting them on the same wavelength. Whether this means taking complex information and ensuring it’s clear and accessible, or helping them to discover how to speak so that their audience feels recognised and understood, I’m passionate about helping them to find the right words, create the most compelling stories and deliver the strongest campaigns to get their message out into the wild.

I’m also a fierce health advocate and when I’m not working with clients, you can find me on social media, raising awareness of different health conditions and talking extremely bluntly about my experience with breast cancer.

And in 2021 I founded the only female-only copywriting community - the Female Copywriters’ Alliance, which operates on Discord. We have grown to over 200 members, and regularly host digital networking and in-person social events, as well as being a hub for female copywriters to talk all things related to the industry, and plenty outside of it too!

Craig Freeman - Brand Formula

Reading over some draft copy from dee and one line just made me shout “hell yeah!”