Copycon roundup #5 - how to generate fresh ideas

Presentation number 5 at #CopyConX was delivered by the remarkable Tiffany Markman who had one goal in mind and something that all copywriters need on the daily.... generating fresh ideas.

Let's face it, coming up with something new to say on any given topic can be a real challenge - especially when you are surrounded by competitors all trying to stand out from the crowd. And ESPECIALLY when there's a hot new news topic bandwagon that everyone is trying to jump on (the example she gave was when the barge got stuck in the Suez Canal and everyone was trying to relate their content to it!). Check out this post from Buzzfeed for a few.

Fortunately Tiffany shared her 3-step process for generating fresh new ideas with us. Now, I'm not going to give her secrets away here - you'll have to get the #CopyConX videos from ProCopywriters for that. But I am going to share her Golden Rule - and it's something that I've actually scribbled down and put on my pinboard, it's THAT good...

"Either say something no one else has ever said (this is tricky!) or say something unoriginal in an original way".

Thanks Tiffany for spreading some genius with us on Friday!


Copycon roundup #6 - What’s in a name?


Copycon roundup #4 - neurodiversity in creativity